I had a few potential license holders ask me to create a public list of people who have completed my course. They know that my students will walk away with quality knowledge, and they would prefer to hire my graduates to protect their licenses against violations! Here is a list of people who have completed my course and agreed to make their names public. Sign up now to be on this preferred hiring list!
Jesus Abad
Chevelle Searles Abel
Leif Able - Greatland Ganja
Margaret Adamcik
Carl Addington
Hillary Addison
Lee Addison
Raveyn Ailey
Paige Alden
Connor Allen
April Allison
Aimee Altman
Joseph Altman
Lisanna Anderson
Diana Anglin
Marco Angulo
Debra Aningayou
Parker Appelo
Margaret Ariss
Heather Arkell - Twisted Tundra
Bruce Ashley
Jerimiah Ashley
Pat Athey
Merl Badger
Jaclyn Baisch
Shane Bailey
Dawn Baker
James Baker
Charles Bass
Ron Bass
Frank Barber
Jensen Barrett
Lindsey Bartels
Gio Barth
Andrea Baumeister
Daniel Beall
Aaron Bean - Green Leaf
Matthew Beck
Alice Beckel
Deryl Beckel
Richard Beezley
Jayle Bell
Audryana Belisle
Blake Bennie
Stephen Benningfield
Daniel Benson
Samuel Benson
James Benzschawel
Todd Bergeron
Cayenne Bessey
Jessica Bethers
Thomas Black
Cassandra Blackwell
Nikolaas Blake
Shane Blaylock
Sean Bledsoe
Jocelyn Bohlken
Jared Brazington
Kayelayn Brendel
Kylie Briske
Clinton Brittain
Bittner Brooks
Christopher Brown
Erin Brown
Ashley Bruce
Samuel Bruley
Dylan Bryant
Cassandra Buckridge
Simeon Buchert
Deborah Burks
Michael Busby
Darrell Bussell
David Brasier
Derrick Bruso
Wyatt Bruso
Robert Byerly
Scott Byerly
Christine Byrd
Brooke Cain
Michael Callahan
Rebekah Callaway
Jean Carlos Camacho
Jose Camacho
Joseph Canfield
Owen Carlson
Ashanti Carr
Tyler Carr-Swan
Tom Carruth
Nichole Casey
Benjamin Casoni
David Castro
Kate Catabay
Martin Chapman
Sergio Caquias
Teresa Chasteen
Ashley Chavis
Dimitri Christo-Dionne
Matthew Clarambeau
Riley Collins
Trevor Collins
Todd Conger
Tavis Conway
Emily Cook
Josh Cook
Atiba Cooper
Webster Corpuz
Zach Craft
Karl Croft
Jonathan Cruz
Henry Cummings
Daniel Cuneo
Michael Curtis
David Dagemjian
Adam Deraway
James Darby
Tammy Davey-Fucina
Adam Davis
Julie Davis
Richard Davis
Robert Davis
Joshua Day
Robert Defrancesco
Xavier De Santiago
Daryl Desrochers
Alicia Diaz
Misty Doetsch
Cecelia Donelson
Sarah Donnelly
Reshelle Dotson
Maura Douglas
Daniel Draper
Seth Drebing
Camille Drewry
Christopher Duncan
Joshua Durham
Jim Dyer - JKD Brands
Kelly Dyer - JKD Brands
Josephine Dyer - JKD Brands
Joshua Easaw-Thomas
Tyler Edmonds
Jessica Edwards
Ryan Edwards
Carl Elliott
Daniel Elliott
Michael Elwess
Brandon Emmett - Good Titrations
Nicole Eniero
John Erwin
Matthew Evans
Peteri Faaaliga
Justin Fagan
Linnea Fahey
David Farrell
Donna Farrell
Bill Fikes
Jon Fischer
Andrea Fish
Mikaela Fish
Mike Flanagan
Adam Fletcher
Christian Foldenauer
Miles France
Peggy France
Beau Frank
David Freeman
Oladele Freeman
Sean Freeman
Crystal Fuentes
Leslie Fuentes
Tamra Fuhr
Cascade Galasso-Irish
Garrett Gallaway
Eric Garcia
John Garrett
Joseph Garret
Alberto Ghigliott
Orthon Gillett
Jeremy Gilmore
Daniel Goldstein
Lorenzo Gonzalez
Adam Goodman
John Goodman
Kiyanna Gordon
Skylar Graham
Jacob Grant
Maxcell Graves
Anna Greathouse
Thomas Greenman
Merlin Griffin
Luke Grinaker
Gabrielle Grosdidier
Carl Gunther
Nicholas Guy
Stephanie Gyles
Dwight Haak
Dana Haff
Miranda Halliburton
Chad Hammond
Danielle Hand
Tracey Hand
Thomas Hannam
Vincent Harless
Adelynn Harrison
Leslie Harris
Heather Harris
Jamie Harris
Amanda Hart
Summer Hartford
Hollis Hasbrouck
Seth Hawkins
Mark Hayden
Chad Haynes
Chris Haynes
Ember Haynes
Brenda Hays
Nikki Heckert
Samantha-Lynn Heglin
Preston Hendrie
Elyse Hendryx
Christopher Henry
Leanne Henry
Mike Henrys
Anthony Hernandez
Avia Herring
Anthony Hertz
Marquetta Hewitt
Stephan Hildebrand
Jonah Himes
David Hodge
Nick Hofmeister
Alex Holder
Jordan Hollister
Gabriel Holohan
Adam Hoover
Harry Hopson
Bethanie Horn
Angelica Horton
Anderson Hoskins
Davin Houk
Courtney Howard
Mercedes Hoyem
Timothy Hutchcraft
Albert Hutton
Scott Isaak
Elizabeth Itta
Joesph Iyahuk
Phillip Izon
David Jackson
Robin Jester
Bradley Johnson
Brandan Johnson
Davis Johnson
Keelen Johnson
Rachel Johnson
Brenn Jones
Buffie Jones
Donna Jones
Gene Jordan
Jennifer Kahumoku
Kakfalria Kairaiuak
Emily Kane
Jerytt Kapler
Joshua Kartchner
Peter Khamphanh
Pearson Kennedy-Crosby
Adam Kent
Brenden Kent
Colin Kimball
Bryan King
Daniel King
Richard Kinmon
Heather Koenig
Logan Koerner
Kim Kole - Raspberry Roots
Kameron Kowalski
Brittani Krebs
Andrew Kruskie
Gerriann Kruger
Luke Kulish
Julia Kunzler
Patricia L.
Michael Lacey
Rachel Lake - CannaCare
Scarlet Lapradd
Paul Larson
Sienna Larson
Alan Lasley
Andrew Lee
Logann Lee
Marta Lee
Alan Leonard
Joylynn Leonard
Andrea Lim
Kelly Liska
Ricky Loveless
Kelsi Lowry
Kaitlynn Lucas
Olivia Lunsford
Stephanie Lunsford
Tipton Lunsford
Marcey Luther
Christine Lutsch
Demetria Lyons
Tyler Machamer
Raymond Macrall
Mark Magno
Timothy Marberry
Nicholas Marcos
Brandee Martel
Katherine Martin
Robert Martin
Karla Martinez
Demetri Martin-Urban
Dustin Mathews
Tommielee Matthews
Patricia Maynard
Bob Mays
Tara Mayo
Donetta McCullough
James McDade
Lonea McGowen
LeRoy McKitrick
Gregory McLaughlin
Jamie McLaughlin
Kymberlee Mehney
Jessica Meybin
Andi Miller
Daylyn Miller
Lacie Miller
Maria Miller
Tessa Miller
Walker Millikan
Hunter Mills
Robert Mincher
Darren Mitvitnikoff
Jared Moehlin
Monica Molinar
Tristan Molinar
Zachary Molinar
Mario Montes
Justin Moon
Christopher Moore
Sue Ellen Montes
Jacob Moore
Michael Morgan - aka OldSkl
Thomas Morgan
Tyler Morgan
Josh Morris
Craig Murray
Ashley Muscari
Kim Neill
Christian Nelson
Dan Nelson
Harlie Nelson
Nola Nelson
Stanley Nero
Emily Neslund
Michael Nikes
Jessica Nipper
Breanna Noel
Noel Norwood
Joseph O'Brien
Larry O'Kelley
Zachariah Oliver
Zeek Overholser
Karen Pack
John Page
Shannon Page
Jason Palmer
Joyce Parks
Mackenzie Parker
Michael Parker
Miriah Patrick
Roger Perez
Justin Penn
Andrea Perry
William Pereira
Alvin Peterson
David Petersen
Daniel Phillips
Sydney Phipps
Don Pierce
Shawna Piersma
Michael Pokrivnak
Benjamin Porteleki
Sarah Portmann
Sam Precie
Julie Privett
Peni Pula
Marcus Putman
Rebecca Radey
Rachel Ramsey
Robert Rathbun
Christopher Ray
John Ray
Michael Ray
Gage Raymond
Breanne Reboux
Teresa Reed
Brandon Reedy
Kierston Reuer
Jason Reynolds
James Rheault
Gary Riches
Morgon Riley
James Rheault
Joshua Rivas
Gabriel Rivera
Andrew Rizzo
Jonah Robinson
Jacob Rodriguez
Krystal Rosamond
Bethany Rosenbaum
Jason Ross
Raphael Ross
Ryan-Michael Rowley
Maria Salazar
Chad Sandys
William Sargent
Leif Saya
Kenton Schneider
Trent Sexton
Justin Shannon
William Shelton
Jesse Sherwood
Jennifer Shippee
Melanie Shirilla
Amber Shoemaker
Christy Schwan
Robert Shears
Richard Sheets
Leona Silook
LaVaughn Simon
Aaron Simmons
Landon Simmons
Joanie Simpler
Brian Smart
Jace Smith
Lia Smith
Tina Smith - Midnight Greenery
Shaun Snow
Jacob Soennichsen
Ashley Sommer
Jeffery Sonntag
Matthew Spencer
Zachary Speiser
Justin Spivey
Edward Sprinkle
Rory Spurlock
Justin Spurlin
Shandy Stanfill
Laura Staub
Daniel St. Clair
Garrett Steigleman
Ryan Stemmerman
Sophia Sterling
Daniel Stewart
Jake Stewart
Karie Stewart
Jonnathon Studie
Laura Sullivan
Thomas Sutor
Samantha Swegle
Jarid Symens
Shaun Tacke - Good Titrations
Arthur Tarbell
Mercedez Tate
George Tauriainen
Jimmy Terry
Christina Tersine
Kia Tice-Lukic
Leonard Trimmer
Anthony Thomas
Pamela Thomas
Sasha Thomas
Derek Thomas-Williams
Jody Thompson
Kristopher Thompson
David Tilley
Coty Torrey
Ellen Tubbs
Joshua Tullar
Christopher Tuckness
Patricia Utley
Gregory Veitch
Johnathan Wainwright
Ellie Walz
Casey Watts
Joanna Watts
Tobin Watts
Deondra Welch
Kyle Welch
Jeff Wells
Heather Werel
Ian West
Chelsea Whitaker
Kaitlyn Whitlock
Anthony Whitmarsh
Anna Wilks
Dontreal Willis
Keenan Williams
Keith Williams
Sara Williams
Victoria Williams
Brendan Williamson
Tracy Williamson
Andrew Willis
Olivia Willis
Anthony Whitmarsh
Coutney Wilson
Lache Wilson
Robert Wilson
Shayna Wilson
Stephen Wilson
Summit Wilson
Adam Winston
Christine Wirth
Jeremy Wright
Nathan Wright
Rolanda Wright
Kelsey Worthington
Kelsey Young
William Young
James Zuleger
I took the Handle Alaska Marijuana Handler's Card online class, and just wanted to say thank you!! This course is in depth and I learned a lot. Being online, I could log off and come back to finish it when I had time. I could watch the video or read the course, which is great for people who have limited internet access.
~ Heather Arkell - Twisted Tundra
Very thorough, and well put together for all types of learners.
~ Kristopher Thompson
Kim was super quick to get me registered for her course via email and telephone communication. I recommended her to two other individuals who are now in the process of taking her lessons!
~ Olivia Lunsford
Kim's class was very thorough and informative. I attended the class with a few friends and family. We spent the morning going over the material and discussing the regulations in detail. After taking the class and completing the associated exam, I feel much more confident in my understanding of the regulations and laws relating to the Marijuana industry at large. I hope that all other entities providing certification are equipping future Marijuana Handler's card holders to participate in the industry with as much knowledge as Kim's course does.
~ Joesphine Dyer
This course is put together with professional precision.
~ Ayme Zantua
This class was informative and very beneficial for our future... Thank you!
~ Rachel Lake - CannaCare
Two thumbs up!
~ Arthur Able
Complete and thorough.
~ Susan Nowand
Very user friendly, getting set with payment over the phone is extremely easy.
~ Lache Wilson
Wonderful course! Very to the point. Would highly recommend it.
~ Stephanie Gyles
This course is very informative while at the same time testing us completely.
~ Patricia Anson
Very informative course! Thank you for taking the time to prepare and present this material. I can't wait to begin my new profession!
~ Jason Hoyem
Great Course! She somehow managed to make the boring parts of the course, not so boring!
~ Jeremy Erickson
This was a great class! The quizzes kept me engaged, very informative!
~ Charles Cartier
Wonderful course! Very to the point. Would highly recommend it.
~ Stephanie Gyles
Thank you for including videos in this class, it was a nice surprise as I was expecting a wall of text.
~ Thomas Morgan
This is a very informative course, and Kim is very helpful and accommodating. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone interested in becoming a handler!
~ Kelsey Dunlap
Great course, easy to follow and learn. Lots of info.
~Daylyn Miller
This class goes beyond just a handler's permit in a fun and easy format to learn. If you are looking to get into the cannabis business in Alaska or are already in it, this is a must take class.
~ Thomas Greenman
The content and delivery are excellent! This course really gives the Alaskan cannabis industry the credibility that it so desperately needs in this pivotal time.
~ Aristotle Pippa
I'm glad that this course is available and so well constructed. It does a great service to the state and its legal cannabis consumers.
~ Leonard Trimmer
Very thankful for this amazing opportunity and for the training with Kim!
~ Camille Drewry
I enjoyed learning on this website and I learned a lot about the cannabis industry, the regulations, and the different segments of the industry.
~ Phillip Izon
The presentation was good, enjoyed the commentary and found the course informative while still personable enough to be a pleasant experience.
~ Tina Smith - Midnight Greenery
I'm so glad I chose your course Kim! I learned a lot. You are a terrific resource for this exciting business in Alaska. I hope we can all do this "right". It's all about creating more peace, love and happiness in our lifetimes.
~ Emily Kane
Good teachers are worth their weight in gold, and she is one of them!
~ Gene Jordan
Great course! Well laid out and covers it all.
~ Randy Tedor
This course was a great course and I learned a great deal from Kim. A fantastic teacher.
~ Davis Johnson
Extremely comprehensive, definitely essential information for anyone new to the industry!
~ Andrea Lim
The videos were well made and easy to understand. There was a good option based on the user's desire to listen to or read the information that would be tested on. This course was a good way to learn the essentials for operating in the marijuana industry!
~ David Castro
This course provides an excellent blanket of knowledge encompassing at least a brief touch on all of the facets of this industry that you could possibly need to know about. Kim Kole is the perfect teacher and created such an amazing learning tool.
~ Emily Cook
Thank you. This course was great and easily navigated.
~ Kameron Kowalski
This course was informative and well made. I like the sectioning of the otherwise dense amount of information. Kim's voice is pleasant and calming in what would otherwise be a stressful test environment. I would recommend this test to others.
~ Angel McCabe
Handle Alaska is the very best and only course worth considering! Great detail, easy to follow and highly educational!
~ Matthew Clarambeau
Very thorough course. I learned a lot of things and had many of my questions answered by taking this course. I feel much more confident and ready to enter the industry now that I know about all of the laws and licenses and regulations
~ Todd Bergeron
I loved the price and the convenience!
~ Justin Spurlin
Very informative and a nice format combining the audio/video presentations along with transcripts since people learn and retain the information differently depending upon the method used to present it.
~ Tyler Machamer
* This was a great course! Very informative and very detailed! I especially appreciated the visual and audio from the slides, as well as the written transcript of what was said.
* I would definitely recommend this training course to anyone wanting to obtain their handler's card!
* In addition to the course, Kim was very friendly, as well as efficient with getting the course started right way.
* 5 Stars
~ Cody Christ
Excellent course! Able to things on my time and from my own home. A+ Kim! Thanks!
~ Elyse Hendryx
I chose your course due to a referral from Arctic Herbery and after reviewing other training sites, yours was the most comprehensive. Thank you!
~LeRoy McKitrick
Kim was awesome! She answered all my phone calls and made this process as easy as possible. Thanks Kim!
~ Stephanie Lunsford
Kim is on point and so is her online course. I highly recommend it.
~ Jared Moehlin
I am very impressed with this course! The training videos accompanied with transcripts were well informative and provide extensive overview of all aspects of the industry. I would want and be comfortable knowing that anyone I work with goes through this program.
~Connor Allen
Thank you! Great program! I was able to read/listen at my own pace, which is helpful since I have an active life.
~ Aimee Altman
Wonderful course to get my Marijuana Handler's Card! Loved having the option to read or listen to Kim's great videos. It was awesome to log in and out when needed. Fantastic teachers and course, Thank you so much!
~ Olivia Willis
This was a very intuitive course that is loaded with important details. All of the information was well delivered and in a comprehensive manner. I really appreciate having the slide show and the explanations of the administrative code. I highly recommend taking this course.
~ Michael Parker
This course is very informative and easy to follow. Kim really knows what she is doing. She goes above and beyond to help you succeed.
~ Kierston Reuer
You were extremely informative and helpful in getting me set up for the course and I would recommend that anyone who is interested start here first!
~ Matthew Beck
The course was easy to understand and went quickly, considering how much information it covered. I felt confident taking the test.
~ Katherine Martin
I run the office for Big Leaf Alaska in Fairbanks and I refer every applicant to your course. It is well put together and very organized. You are also dependable in terms of sending certificates as well as easy to contact. So, thank you!
~ Jessica Raymond
The Handle Alaska training is a great introduction to the regulations and details of the Alaska Cannabis industry. It consolidates and organizes the regulations and will continue to be a resource for me as questions in the policy and procedures arise in working with all stakeholders involved.
~ Sam Precie
This was a great learning experience! Coming from Colorado I already knew a bunch about the cannabis industry but I learned a bunch of new things from this course. Bravo!
~ Kyle Welch
Ever been trained wrong? Well not here you won't!
~ Nikolaas Blake
I didn't expect this course to be nearly as interesting and informative as it was. The videos were well made, and alongside the transcripts, made for a very easy time absorbing the information.
~ Tristan Molinar
I am extremely happy with this course. The format was easy to follow, and the short quizzes helped me retain the information.
~ Mackenzie Parker
Setting up this online course was super easy! Kim was prompt and friendly. I would recommend Handle Alaska to anybody trying to get their handlers card.
~ Sydney Phipps
Originally, I was going to use a different course. The course was $13 more expensive than yours and did not include videos. The videos and quizzes you provided were very helpful for retention and comprehension of the information.
~ Kaitlyn Whitlock
This great course is very informative. I didn't have any issues navigating or completing the course within a day. It had great knowledge and was strait forward.
~ Timothy Hutchcraft
I am truly impressed with this course, great instruction through self pace, and delivery of interesting content!
~ Julia Kunzler